

Darien Arts Center Stage.

Directed by Carin Zakes

Musical Director: Dwayne Condon

Choreographer: Rachel MacIsaac

Producer: Nova Hall

Set Design: Serge Ghio

Poster Design: Mario Fuentes

Starring Jeffrey Aldana,  Peter Green, Bill Shubeck, Danielle Valdes, Lisa Spielman & Hilary Webster

Ensemble: Beth Brandon, Michele Salustri, Alison Soderquist, Julie Thaxter-Gourlay, Jonathan Hall, Regina Elliott, Juan Londoño


Director’s Note

I first directed Baby back in 2003. I was a young mother, and the show resonated with me deeply. Years later, I find that I still respond to Maltby Shire's beautiful music and book. If anything, the profound effect a baby has on the lives of those adults who have the privilege of raising them is more obvious in hindsight. Parenthood continues to be the most wonderful adventure of my life. (thanks Emma and Olivia)

My thanks and gratitude, to Dwayne for demanding and getting the best from our talented cast, and to those who worked behind-the-scenes on our creative endeavor.

Thanks to the DAC board and Stage committee for making theatre in this beautiful space possible. A special shout out to Nova, Regina, Amy & Abby for their unwavering support, and of course to Peter, with whom I learned to balance life as a theatre artist and parent. Our story goes on.

Enjoy the show.

Carin Zakes



Darien Arts Center Stage

April 2017